Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Nothing dangerous lives on Madagascar. That just seems really unfair.

I have to go to the Dentist tomorrow :(

A small piece of my upper left wisdom tooth has broken off and I assume a nerve has been exposed. I know I'm not an expert on these types of things, so I'm going to differ to the professionals diagnoses, but at random times with no apparent cause I feel a sharp intense pain in my jaw for about a second and then it goes away. When I say intense I mean I imagine getting struck in the face with lighting might hurt slightly less.

I have netflix now.

It has already taken my brain hostage.

I have to force myself away from it so I can get some video games played. >.> <.<

Netflix and redbox have all but driven the last nail into video rental stores. I'm kinda ok with that really.

I don't think we are losing anything to important if blockbuster goes out of business. It may actually free up room for local private video stores to make a bit of a come back.

NetFlix doesn't have the newest movies on its streaming service, but I also find I don't really care. There are tons of movies and shows on there that I never got a chance to see. The new movies will be there eventually and if I had really wanted to see them that badly I would have seen them in theaters.

Speaking of I have seen a number of movies this summer and there are still a few to go. It has been a pretty awesome summer for SciFi fans. "Super 8" I thought was really really great. It had the same kinda of feel that movies like ET or Close Encounters had. That feeling of small town comfort being challenged by something more substantial than our small lives.

I don't know, its kinda hard to explain. Basically that the unknown does not always need to be feared.

I like that.

Also Transformers was not completely terrible, Harry Potter was really good although it felt a little rushed towards the end. X-Men was just awesome, I don't know why some people didn't seem to think much of it I thought it was brilliant. I loved Charles Xavier being portrayed as a confident cocky play boy. I also like that Magneto felt totally justified in everything he does and that maybe Prof X is wrong after all.

Its funny after writing that I thought about a bit in Transformers that puts me in the same kind of devils advocate type thoughts. At the end of the movie the main Baddie (spoilers) Sentinel Prime uses the line "the needs of the many out weigh the needs of the few" which is an obvious reference to Star Trek and more specifically Spock. Sentinel Prime is voiced by Lenard Nimoy (aka spock) and this line comes directly from the Moive "The Wrath of Kahn". Spock says this famous line just before he sacrifices himself to save the crew of the Enterprise. The meaning of this line is really self explanitory, that sacrifices have to be made for the greater good. But whose greater good?

In Transformers Sentinel is trying to open a portal to bring the entire ruined planet of.......Transformia? I don't remember, its a pretty stupid movie. But anyway he is going to bring this giant robot planet into our solar system and use the humans as slaves to help rebuild their ruined world. He just wants to save his people. As he is dramatically reaching for the button on the doohicky to pull the thing through he says that line. "The need of the many (many being the billions of other robots) out weigh the needs of the few (the few being us tiny stupid little flesh-lings). So its interesting that something so obviously true, and right, and noble in one movie, can be turned on its ear in another.

Just makes you stop and think about how powerful justifications can be.

Makes me stop and think about it anyway.

Still have Capt America, Cowboys and Aliens, and Planet of the Apes to go. Exciting.

Also I had no real reason to be writing this. Sorry if its not very good, I'm just bored and felt like writing something.

"I can call any girl in my phone right now, have a pillow in her mouth watch her bite down"
Childish Gambino

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